Sunday, February 28, 2010

i love weekends...WARNING: long post!

No pictures of our Friday...but here's how it went:
Whit had his 6 month check up at ALMOST 7 months.
He's up to 17 lbs (25th percentile) and 29.25 inches long (he's back on the chart my friends.....he is in the 8oth percentile) to be honest, we were relieved to see him on the charts...we want a big boy....but we were a bit scared of how big he might be...hehehe.
My friend Anne and I worked out a TRADE for our on Friday Whityn went with them to their house and Jordy and I went out on the Jackson. We had pre-dinner drinks at the village and then ate Masa sushi...yum yum. It was like we were dating again....I don't why...but it was so fun....more about our night with their little peanut later...

Saturday we put on our relax--y clothes and did some relaxing...don't you love Whit's jeans...they were Millie's jeans first! Speaking of Millie....she and her mommy showed up on Saturday morning for a walk...but SOMEONE took my no walkie for us...but we did catch up and do some hanging out. Millie is talking up a storm...complete fun to see you sweet pea! Both of you!!!!
After they left....We read some books...
and we wrestled some books too!
we ate lots and lots of peas....he went from liking them to LOVING them!
we laughed!
we bounced! *Whit can finally work this's so fun to watch him jump and spin and eat the toys.
So, Saturday night, Jensey came over while her parents went out on the town....she is also in my kindergarten this was a special treat. We had so much fun. We ate pizza and icecream....and watched a movie about a WATERhorse (but it's soooooo scary, so if you have a little one and you think it's's's SCARY!!!!) She kept covering her eyes...I felt so bad...we fast-forwarded a bit of it...but overrall she toughed it out. Way to go Jensey...
After the movie, we headed upstairs to my bed for a few stories...3 to be exact...and by the middle of "Where the wild things are" she was out! So sweet!

Night Night little one!
Whit was out too. He only got one story though!!!! so cute.
Sunday was a very SUNNy-day...we slept in while daddy rubbed down 3 racks of ribs....cause we invited over some friends for dinner...Jordy, Whit and I went for a nice walk into town coffee...and walk home!
then we did some stretching.....whit had some stretches of his own....hehe
Then our friends showed up....and brought their very cute little peanut Teya over!!!!
teya couldn't get enough of whit....she loved giving out hugs.
Whit gotta a little love from Matt (Teya's pops)....
More floor time with Teya...she was hammin it up with the camera!
She was loving having her picture sweet. She loved Whit. Someday I might have to convince her to lay down next to Whit.....hahaha!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Lauryn had a little lamb...

Sometimes you just gotta lay back and relax...
while daddy makes shepards pie (with a little lamb that we bought from here) is sooooo good and is raised locally, butchered locally and delivered right to my car at school....which means it's carbon footprint is SMALL....
had to throw in a little leg of lamb...
stealin kisses!

Monday, February 22, 2010


so on sunday we went over to our friend's house in Jackson. We had a lunch date, but canceled our SKI up Game creek... well, cause little Whit seemed sorta out of sorts....we kept wondering about he sick? is he cutting teeth? Why can't we put him down? Why is our little boy soooooo needy all of a sudden? Well, while at our friend's house...Whit was getting his bottle and Jordy noticed a long black hair across Whit's eye and wrapped around underneath....yikes. Well, we stopped the bottle....tried to retract the luck. Just tears....which we thought were good....but he was PISSED. So we kept trying then I called the Urgent Care...and said, "Hey, I am a new mom.....hahahahah, but my 6 month old baby has a dog hair in his eye and we can't get it out" we come in?" She laughed....put me on hold and came back a few minutes later....."YEs, since it is the eye" and we don't want to do further damage....come on in" SHOO...what relief!
Am I paranoid? Maybe...but we didn't know what to do...and we all know how annoying it can be when something is in your eyeball....right!!!!!

So, off to the urgent care....paperwork...sitting one was there....but it still took an hour of waiting..then in comes the doctor....

I held him in my arms...Jordy had the doctor light...and the doc took a LONG cu-tip and stuck it in under his lower lid.....and plucked out that coarse little hair....ewww!

I SAVED it for the scrapbook!!!!! hahahah

I'm kidding!

AMAteurs!!!!! If you are a are laughing...and saying "I have been there" and if you aren't a parent...maybe you are just laughing. heheheeh. I am!

argh....matey! don't worry I made a full I sit around and eat books...who needs to read 'em anyhow?
wanna snuggle?
bum bum.
are you sure you don't want to snuggle me??? Everyone needs a snuggle on Monday.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

3 day....

This is the start of a 3-day weekend that ISN'T over yet!!!
Now that Victor has an ICE-rink....Jordy has taken to this sucker on Thursday nights and Saturday mornings. He loves the game and can't seem to get enough. Saturdays are STICK and PUCK days from 10-12 and Whit and I decided to surprise Jord by coming to watch. We walked up to the there in time to see Jordy score!!! Then, right after STICK and's family I decided to give it a whirl and do a few rounds on the did Whit!
Jordy took Whit on the ice for a few rounds...sorry no pics of YOURS truly. I will spare you the sight. ha!
Here is the future Hockey star.
BAckwards he goes with little Whit!
THen we went and warmed up at our favorite: SCRATCH
WHit stuck to his diet though. *look at those pretty lashes.
however, he became oBSESSED with a piece of lettuce off my plate.
yes, i gave it to him...he sucked on it UNTIL...
he fell fast asleep.
back at the homefront....
I eat my peas with honey.
I've done it all my life.
I eat my peas with honey.
It keeps them on my knife. *Whit eats his peas plain.
i.m lookin for blue eyes...has anybody seen him?
TIME for a LOVE fest! it starts here.
then goes here.
ohhhh, i get some too.
jordy loves me too.
our valentines was took us FORever to motivate enough to get out of the house...and we THEN-I went through some HAND-me-DOWNS...and I found this great hat and some we practiced for our FLORIDA vacation....coming soon in April!
How do I look my friends? I know I am white....but I'm stuck in Idaho!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Really impressed.

First....I was asked the other day at a TEACHER inservice..."what do you do to take care of yourself so that you can be a better mom, wife, teacher...etc?" The first thing that popped into my head was...I don't have to take care of me....JORDY does! It's funny. Sometimes I can't believe I got lucky enough to find someone that matched "JUST" what I was looking for. I can't believe what a wonderful husband that this man is. I can't imagine a better fit for me. Jordy is the full package. He loves hard, listens intently, builds me up, grounds me down, gives me all the hugs and kisses I need, adores me, cooks amazing little tasty dinners for two nightly and cleans them all up, gives me time to myself and with my girls, empathizes with being a woman (which i love), tells me all the time how great I am, makes me feel beautiful, packs my lunch everyday for school, puts my bags in the car and starts it, pays the bills, cleans floors....(love this)...he is a ROCKstar husband.
It's funny though...I never really new what it was gonna take to make a MARRIAGE work. It's hard. Even though it may look like we have no bumps...we do! It's's not pretty at isn't perfect...but we work at it.... and at it...and at it...and we make it work. AND it just does. I met and married this amazing human that strives to make things better, me better, our lives better...he makes me want to be a better person....a better mom...a better teacher...a better wife...a better friend. I should tell him this more. We all should.
JOrdy-thanks for being you, my dear sweet friend. thanks for being just what i need and what whityn needs. you are a wonderful husband and father. I am so impressed. Happy Valentines Day!
like father, like son!

Monday, February 8, 2010

For DAD.

Dad, look closely at this picture...and what do you think of...
I think of ME and YOU. I think of air-popped buttery popcorn that you would make in the glass bowl with the orange and yellow flowers on it. I think of sticky hands and kernels in my teeth. I think of sitting on your lap in the lazy boy as we would EAT handful after handful and spill it in the cracks and onto the floor...I think of seconds. I think of WWF. I think of the greasy remote control. I think of hitting your hand with my hand while dipping into the bowl. I think of sharing. I think of love. I think of you.
*today in kindergarten was the 100Th day. I asked the class if 100 kernels would feed us...some said yes, some said no. it didn't. 400 did. they love the popper...they loved the popcorn. they love me sharing my story about eating it with my dad.
PS-i love you skipper!

6 months and things.

Firstly, I ran...with rach...on was perfect (except i was way too tired)
we did some's a new sport...where you go to a FRIENd's house and the tv is on...and you just EAT. It's so fun.
whit got a bottle of love
whit's superbowling speciality.
hey dudes...i turned 6 months...that's half a year...that is crazy.
i can:
*sit up assisted and unassisted, but i still do some face plants...
*sleep through the night
*eat some solids: apples, bananas, rice cereal, sweet potatoes, and pears...yum.
*start reaching for people when i want them
*talk like a mad man
*laugh like a gooney bird
*mimic my mommy...hit, talk, tongue out
*hold my bottle
*I am eating more formula now...however I still love to nurse in the morning, after school and night!
*rolling over and playing with toys...
*oh yeah, I popped a tooth on the bottom...everyone is soooo excited
*i love the exercise ball when my mom lays me on it on my fun.
*i love songs...i love walks...runs...being outside
*i can do the car much better now...mostly i fall asleep
i am sure there is more...but I don't want t0 bore my readers...
i enjoy the occasional hamper ride....and hope my mom doesn't forget about me while she is doing the laundry.
I have a faux HOCK!!!! Do you love it! Happy HALF-year to me!!!!