So...times are busy. It's August and all teachers know that the overwhelming sensation begins in the pits of your tummy this time and instead of enjoying my LONG summer days I find myself checking off the to-do list and dropping in my classroom almost every day of the week. And this year since Jordy is joining our's been more convenient to go to school together but quite chaotic with a 2 year let's just say I am not ready yet...but am well on my way.
Enough shop talk...on the home front...Whitty is so 2 these days...he wants what he wants when the He&!? he wants it...he wakes up go downstairs...before his eyes are even open he is saying, "May I peas go downstairs?"'s so funny...but if you don't take him..there is an instant I decided to spruce up his room with his toys from downstairs to see if it would make it more appealing to play when he wakes up in his own far...I have to convince him to play...but it's working! Here he is playing with his fire-guys and firehouse from Aunt Ramey and Hayden.
She was good at keeping him under control...sorta!
Anne, Jensey, Kate, Eli...Nic and Kristin met was a sunny...amazing day in the tetons..
Not a bad view either.
Jensey is getting so big...I can't believe it. We love Jensey in this house!
My friend Nic and his girlfriend met us out there too...Nic has been away at Law school in Vermont getting all smart...and falling in love with Kristin too...she's awesome...Nic, Jordy and Kristin all swam to the big was freezing...Whityn and I stayed on shore.
And wreaked havoc.
on the beach.
This 2 year old is busy.
Nice diaper eh?
And the best part of Thursday was THURSDAY honey took me to the bistro in Jackson on his gift card...we enjoyed margs...tuna tartar...calamari....pork adobe....and meatloaf...oh so yummy...then we sat in the back row at the movie theatre to watch CRAZY STUPID LOVE...not our first choice..but it was cute and I got to enjoy a dairy free chocolate bar with my hubs. Good night!