So...since school let out...Whitties and I have been busy...we had a great week just being together getting back into our little rhythm which I think we found by Thursday or so. I love this kid. I stare at him in disbelief that Jordy and I made him. W.O.W.
I love pictures like this...I love feeding Whityn and just making a mess. My mom would hate it every step of the way. When she feeds Whit, she wipes his mouth after every single bite...I laugh. We get messy. We have fun. THEN...
Or not.
In case you were wondering..p90x and meals like this don't really bode well together.
Friday...we had some fun in the sun....while...
JOrdy fixed the house....REMEMBER last YEar when I was preggo...and he almost burnt the house down....well, he finally fixed the whole d**?& thing. Yeah!
Whitty and I enjoyed a banana popsicle or two...yum yum.
All my flowers got planted.
Sunsets were watched. Babies go to bed.
AND very strange things...*don't worry, it is the neighbor kid's bb gun.
ANd here is jordy and the neighbor kid....
trying to kill the little diggers who ruin our yard. VOLES......THey did get a few. I was kinda protesting the whole thing..yet laughing hysterically too.
AND then there was this past weekend...where our little healthy peanut...was so so so so sick. He ran a 103 temp and it got up to 105....he had the barfies too. It was so sad. He slept with us again..he was so snuggly. He just wanted to be held and get kisses from mama. He was a trooper even though he didn't feel great....SUNDAY was FAther's day...I had the whole day planned...OF COURSE. HOwever, whit must of not known because he decided to go from so sick and SOOO sick and SOOO sad. THis is how the morning bed....
father and son.
then mama bear made a hearty breakfast for BIG daddy bear in bed which consisted of something like this...berries...LIFE cereal...vitamins...and juice. THAT is what he asked for. I promise.
Daddy bear went on a bike ride...while mama and baby went walking...and exploring...then we reunited for hugs.
And snugs.
THen there was some YARD work to be done...*THis wasn't part of the plan, but Jordy insisted on doing it. We were supposed to go to the Fox Creek Fandango (Free music at Linn Canyon Ranch in Victor..but Whitty kept us home) which was fine.
THe boys had a meeting of the minds.
And they discovered something....
Oh, we made up FISH tacos for dinner. THat was that. Today Whitty and I went to see T. Lerch...and she confirmed an ear infection with some sort of viral thingy too. EWW. WEll, he seems better all ready. He's back in his bed. Yeah. We had to lower it by the way..he figured out how to sit, stand and shake crib....CUTE, but dangerous.
I am off to bed now. Tomorrow is a big day of last minute details around the house AND we are off to SALT lake city to pick up Nannie and Kane and to me my parents. We will be celebrating my Nannie's 80th and Father's day again.
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