Sunday, July 11, 2010

in my own words.

i have been meaning to write down Whit's birth story...and i have..but i haven't shared it with the i will....most of it anyhow. i want it to be in here so that when I print this BLOG in a few weeks...for whityn's first's here goes nothing....or everything.

August 6th...
i went for my routine midwifery check up...every time i would report in to see blood pressure would go through the roof...nerves i guess. she would always take it twice just to make sure....this time...she took it twice and the 2nd time it was still high....eesh...and I never NEVER NEVER have headaches...and I had this creeping...annoying...pounding...headache for like 2 days...and i mentioned it...just because she was asking what all was going on...with that being said...they did a bit of blood work to make sure I wasn't showing signs of preeclampsia...I wasn't at all worried...i felt off I went that day...80% effaced and 2 cm dilated...head fully engaged...I COULDN'T wait for my water to break!!!!

August 7th...
Woke friend allison was on her way over to go for a hike and EAT BLTA's for lunch....she arrived...we were catching cell's theresa midwife...who was casually asking me how i was feeling...etc. etc. and then she said, "listen I got your blood work back...and it isn't good...your blood pressure is high...the headaches...all signs point to preeclampsia...and being that your platelet count is low are now at risk...and I am going to need you to pack your overnight bag...and come on down to the hospital...." WHAT?...I was crying...excited tears..but a little nervous...HERE. friend is here...we are going for a hike...WHAT the heck? i'm not ready. So, I ask....can I go for a 3o minute walk with my friend..and then come on over...
She said yes. Go slow. And head over. And Lauryn, I will do everything I can so that you can still have a natural birth....I am going to re-do your blood work and if it's still not where we want it...then we are going to induce labor.
Me: uh,okay...OKaY! see you soon I guess. a few tears... for my walk with Allison..up Pole far as 15 minutes out would get me...and back...take in mind...I still felt great....except i was BIG..HOT....a little swollen...and i was a bit nervous NOW.
Got back...packed up...talking to jordy...OMG> we are going to be parents tomorrow...WHAT? this is we have everything??...I had all sorts of stuff to make the birthing room my own butterfly pictures...lamps...more music..lots and lots of own nightgown...etc.
got there...checked comfy...waited for T. Lerch to arrive..she did...blood work was done...processed and came back NOT, they inserted cervadil and said to rest and relax...and that i might go into labor...but probably not..
ME: hmmm, it game time?
slept...pretty good...considering what is on my mind and what is about to go down..around 7am...they started pitocin but i was still able to walk around..bounce...pee...everything..which was still part of my plan..Brooke (my doula) arrived shortly after with her own bag of goodies and her amazing energy..and self. the morning cruised right along...i ate jellybeans (just like my marathon)...banana popsicles...and other fun little snacks that i wasn't supposed to be eating....i did lots of laps down the hallway...back...repeat...and again...lots of bouncing on the ball...brooke would rub my back...and apply the just the right pressure...I felt good...and baby was doing great they worries...keep moving forward..I recall jordy perusing the internet around 4-5 cm dilated for baby names...we had to tell him to get was funny...i had to have his and brooke's full attention..OR else...around lunch t. came in...and check me...maybe a 5ish...can't remember...but she mentioned that she wanted MY labor to start wiping the smile off my a funny way of course....and i knew that in a few hours..things needed to move along...or else.?...
more laps...singing....talking..laughing...bouncing...bathroom visits...hehehe.
around 2..t comes to check again and says...Lauryn, we are going to have to break your water...i gave you this long and we need to get this going a bit...
Me: okay, whatever...sure..sounds good. I feel good...break it...wait, what do i need to do??? you can google "breaking someone's water" if you are interested....THIS is where things got interesting....OH<>
WATER breaks...Lauryn BREATHES deep....squeezing tight to both brooke and jordy...plan was to move right into the TUB...whirlpool right across the i went...good at first...jordy was behind me..but not in the pool..i was in-between his legs holding onto his ankles...contracting hard now...thinking in my head...this is freaking hurts like nothing i have ever nothing i want to keep feeling...brooke is reminding me to focus...jordy is in my ear talking to me telling me how strong i am...that i can do it..that i am doing keep going...our baby is fine...t is on the other side observing it all....i hold tight in the tub for what seems like forever...until I am ALL done and I start to see the WALL...I can't do this. I really can't. I might need the yesterday. Jordy sees the transition....heaves me out of the tub...pushes me down the hallway....BIG contraction in the hallway....OUCH....right into the shower...with jordy...except he's clothed...don't worry...and t checks me...i am an 8...AN 8 people...what? not a 10! What? How much longer? I want someone to tell me, but they can' i hang onto jordy for dear that shower...throwing up....bad...on me..on him. bless his heart...he's a saint...he was so strong...brooke was right outside the shower...talking...helping me breathe...and not scream...which i didn't...but i did do my share of cuss words...for a kindergarten, i have hit the wall..i am wanting the epidural for more stalling...i am serious...right now..i even asked t. lerch to give it to me..hahaha...she said she wasn't qualified..i think i might of called her a dirty name...ooops!....Jordy at this point does the ultimate wasting...session with me...he starts talking about this one time in the mountains...when we were climbing...and i was crying...saying i couldn't do it...i couldn't make the move up and over above jenny way...i kept saying i wasn't strong enough....and he reminded me that i went for it..i did it...i was strong enough...and I was at this point...telling him...this isn't climbing...this isn't a marathon...this is serious people....that i might be dying..that i needed now...i think this went on forever despite some pleading from me....hmmm. then...i got out of the shower because t. lerch wanted to check me....she did. i was a's go time. No drugs for you my dear Lauryn.
Me: Shit...what does that even mean?...I have to push...oh dear god.
....on the bed..this way..that way...trying to feel comfortable...started to push...started to understand what it was that i was supposed to do...i kinda had to be taught...brooke's on one side...jordy the other...and susan and leah (the nurses...are there too)...they are counting..they are wiping my sweaty face....they are making eye contact...telling me "baby is fine". "baby is doing great"....
after about 20 minutes i figure the PUSHING thing out...then, I GET my game face on as Jordy would put it....and I went for it...and a little over an hour later....i helped push, pull and grab Whityn McKay Griffin..and put him directly onto my chest....he nursed within 10 minutes....and was beautiful. i was crying....feeling primitive....barbaric a a woman.
i wouldn't give him back...they had to pry him away to even weigh..measure him...and back to my chest he's after 7pm now...we are fine...we are happy...we are doing good...
that night we ate mountain high pizza..i think i ate the whole thing....with jordy feeding it to me while i snuggled little whityn....not letting him go...he slept on me and jordy all night...nursing....snuggling...we were and still are elated.

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