Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sometimes I can't believe I live here...

driving to Kelly, Wyoming a few days ago...had to stop by car three times on the way to a teacher training because of many I lost count...on the way home...saw 3 moose on teton the oncoming lane...crazy. I love it here. I envy Whityn for growing up here...seeing this...doing what we do on a regular basis...I hope he appreciates it one day.back of our pad from out in the wheat field.
JOrdy and Uncle Mike...(our neighbor) putting in irrigation piping before the snow flies...
Whityn and I...watching and taking pictures while they work...hehehe.
Just up from an afternoon nap...I shot these right behind our house...I can't help but think this kid is adorable...those eyes.
back inside...on the infamous bench...with his man cords on...what a stud!
DAddy squeezing in on the bench...Whityn trying to escape...he's quick lately...he's experimenting with cute. I am loving this age.
his latest obsession...the doesn't fall far from the tree i guess...i too am a lover of all sports involving a ball...Whit has been saying ball a lot...and just yesterday took interest in his bat I bought him for his 1st birthday....running around with the bat in one hand and the ball in the other...I set him up to swing...he loved it...we have done it a few times...this winter he will be a professional....
a few minutes later..the ball hit the floor..and he started to hit the ball around on the floor...Jordy was saying, "maybe he's a hockey player"...

1 comment:

  1. Lauren! Your house is so beautiful! And where you live is absolutely breathtaking!!!!!! I think Whityn will be different than us for growing up there, but you are right...the apple doesn't fall from the tree.


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