last week i got to daycare..and whitty had these in. Can you believe he sat still for this? Gloria (one of his teachers) said he wanted them...I loved it. BUT.
this weekend we did a little trim. just a little 18 month old trim.
ANd there are always chickens to feed...
and then it was time to go outside to TAKE DOWN THE CHRISTMAS LIGHTS...only 43 days behind...not too bad. and guess who helped.
and then maybe another try.
whittles and I weren't feeling 100% on we MADE some valentines....he mostly missed the hearts and drew directly on his placemat...but hey, he helped. WE made hearts for ALL of his teachers...and I made hearts for "MY teachers" and my students.
this valentine AM around 6:19...whitty is enjoying some milk and cheese in his special outfit...a target special: "love stinks" t and some levis...dang, he's cute.
So stinking cute!