Sunday, April 17, 2011

SPRING in the mountains

We have been back from the beach for 2 weeks now. We are still awaiting's been so gray...and windy and snowy and cold and WE.ARE.OVER.IT. Whit is just happy to tromp around in the mud...muck and slush. He wakes up saying, " on"'s really cute.
Jordy taught him how to throw rocks in the puddles and he thought that was the coolest thing ever. He FREAKS if he can't get in the puddles before school and after school. The ladies at DAYCARE told me the minute that Ray (a guy who works at daycare) came in the door that Whit ran over to him with his boots in hand. Too cute.
The Griffins have some work to do around the house this SPRING. We decided that we are BARKING the front burm (huge job), pulling up all the shrubs and bushes near the house (another huge job), staining both structures you see in this picture (huge job) and maintaining this 2 acre piece of paradise....(huge job)
yep, still spring. snowing sideways.
smelling fake flowers.

And this is what happens when you bring him inside after being's not good. It's loud. It's sad. It's a TANTRUM.
But usually there is a speedy recovery. THINK REDIRECT. REDIRECT...quick!
Like sipping out of a BIG boy fancy cup!
ANd maybe a warm bath.

THis is a random picture from some SPRING cleaning being done upstairs at the GRIFFIN house...and Jordy was purging his whityn tried one on. Blurry picture...but so cute.
Now it's time to wrestle Rupert or Wuupert as WHityn would say. They have become big buddies lately. It's very sweet.

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