Well, if you were wondering it isn't slowing down around here, in fact it just speeds up! Whityn has been asking questions?
When pulling into the driveway: "Mommy, whose car is that?" "Where's my hotrods?" "Where's my elKAmeeeedo?"
"Can you help me mommy?" AND saying all kinds of stuff..."Get that yucky boogie mommy"...I wear my Muqueen shirt....I do it....change my diaper...I want some nilk please....i go for a bike ride now mommy...play cars with me....or I play puck!
Whitty loves his sports. He calls hockey "puck". Daddy is teaching him all his moves!
He finally let me put slippers on his tootsies...lately the mornings have been pretty cold...so all of us were wearing slippers...Whitty sported his ELMO ones. He liked them.
He loves to help daddy with his sit-ups...He helps you by crawling on your stomach and kissing you or crawling behind you so that you crush him on the way down. It's quite helpful REALLY!
Whitty likes to help mommy with laundry. He asks to "get in dere" so in he goes....
We walked a bit...ran all the down hills and just kept on running to the end!
It was Morgan's first race ever! She did great.
I was loving it. It was the perfect FALL day with friends in the mountains.
And I even ran with camera in hand so that I could take some MID-run pictures! You know me!?!
Down the hill we come!
And look who was at the finish line!
And this was what I ate when I got home....glad my metabolism is still kicking...hehehehe. I hope at least!
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