Friday, December 4, 2015

Call it whatever!

So, be it home school… Unschool… Montessori… Waldorf… Charlotte Mason or whatever. I don't know what exactly it is that we (The Griffin boys and their fearless mama) are doing, but I do know it feels more right than ever.

Both of my children are happy and thriving. 

My friend Arynne and her husband recently shared an article on Facebook about this family that lives in Cabot, Vermont. The title of the article is "We don't need no education"! Then I stumbled across the authors blog which is listed below and now I am reading his book Homegrown and this is just what we want and are striving for. Sometimes I feel like this is exactly why we moved across the country so that this part of our lives could start unfolding. I am thrilled about the next few years to come. But more importantly I can't wait to just dive right into this book and read it to finish.