Last weekend...the ladies and I took off for a weekend in the mountains...REMEMBER my NEW Year's resolution: To adventure more. Well, here's to my first adVENTURE in 2011. take note that I also spent about 2 weeks trying to BACK out of this trip...BUT I am very glad I went...and here's why!
cause I got to make a check list...and i love lists.
then i got to lay it all out and triple check that I had everything.
then I got to CARPOOL to the trailhead with other great teacher ladies (pictured here are Sara C. and Sharon from the Idaho side)
then i got to WORK my bootie off getting UP MOOSE CREEK...and into PLUMMER yurt.
and when I say work my bootie off here's why:
this past weekend was my first time on a
SPLITboard and my first time using climbing skins...and my first time to a YURT in the MIDDLE of winter...and a it's been a LONG time since I carried a BACKPACK that weighs a LOT...excuses...excuses...I know. Anyhow, we started around 2pm from the trailhead...and started into the mountains...and at dark we were still en route..and i was reTHINKING my (12 pack of fatcats) that I was packing this time the ladies each took 2 or 3 out of my pack to lighten it...:)
OH, I forgot to mention..that on the way in...I had my PIN slip out of my binding about 4 times...that is until I tied it with a rope shut...but each little time that it slipped took 10 PLUS minutes to get it back in..due to snow....backpack...hill....frozen fingers...etc. I am so glad Sara C. was moving at my same snail's pace to help me out...she and the other ladies got RATHER familiar with my equipment.
6:28pm. ahhh, we arrived at plummer yurt...or the last 3 did...the first 2 MOUNTAIN goats were already there and they left after us....!!! HEre's to my 12 pack. It was worth it.
checking out the facilities...with Ms. Stitt....this here is the pooper.
Friday night was spent playing a few games...such as BANANA-grams...sipping box wine...and fat cats...eating THAI burritos...thanks jade. and eating homemade chocolate chip/peanut butter cookies...thanks to me. then we all crashed.
we all slept in eXCEPT for jade...she was reading my book when I woke....breakfast burritos then it was into the mountains for a's anne scraping her ski with a spatula...due to some weird film on them
and a better view of our HOME away from HOME...Plummer Yurt.
Sara C...*aka Mighty Mouse...this girl/teacher/mother extroidinaire/mountain mama was the leader of our WEEKEND..she planned it and rallied us all.
and here's me on my little way into the hills again...I was quite nervous...white out conditions...not sure of where we were...and what we were going to ski....and nervous about the many transitions I am about to take...
this was a little stop when we could see for about 25 seconds....then it all went white again...but this was where I first got to change my board from skis to a snowboard....and back...and back again....and again...and again....we did a few laps in this one little treed area...and on our hike bike...I transitioned into skis with no I was KINDA skiing....and the girls were kinda laughing..I was exhausted.
at one point i was crawling...cause it was so flat...and if i walked i would sink up to my hips...and at one point i rode on the back of anne stitt's skis...while jade carried my board and sara carried my poles...and then i was snowboarding...leaning WAY back...and riding the powdery WHITE.
as we headed down for the day...we ran into the 3 ladies that were to be expected on then it was time to ALL take some turns...I did one more lap and I was caked...and it was back to the YURTIE...for pasta...and cocktails..and map-reading..and GIRLtalk...
Sunday morning..there was talk of another summit TRY...we knew where to go..but again WHITEout conditions with considerable avalanche danger....not my cup of tea...I decided not to go out...but somehow when they were all was i...hiking UPHILL again (no one twisted my arm)...i guess i wanted to torture there we were after a the blowing white...deciding what to do..i was part of the 4 that wanted to turn we did...followed our tracks back home...stopped at the yurt...filled out tummies with power bars and water...then downhill we went...which by way was equally as hard as going up...however it was my first time leading all weekend...and i flew down that the air at times...crashing hard at times...RESTING....screaming and flying again...and then when it got flat...i skinned up again for my last time...and at the bridge...Anne was waiting with a little surprise FATCAT for her and I....gotta love that GOOD time girl...thanks anne.
You know those times when you stretch your comfort zone..and you are scared...challenged...tired...but you do drag yourself through it doubting yourself all the way through it...but you make it...well, that's how the weekend went...I tested my character...I grew a bit as a person...and most of all I realized that I am not a MOUNTAIN mama...but I aspire to be...sometimes...I am still just a southern belle living at 6,000 plus feet....:)